Reflections Materials
Reflections Overview For Families and Students
Welcome to the Idaho PTA Reflections program!
Reflections is a National PTA arts recognition program that helps students explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful not only in school but in life.
Students in pre-K through grade 12 create original works of art in response to a theme. The theme for the 2024-2025 program will be “Accepting Imperfection”.
Students submit their completed works of art in one or more of the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts and Accessible Arts. While the primary focus of Reflections is a celebration of creativity through positive recognition, finalists from local PTAs will move on to their council PTA (if applicable), then finalists from councils will move on to the state round.
Young artists get involved by contacting their local PTA leaders. The deadline for turning in artwork to your local PTA will typically be in late autumn. Local PTAs and councils can choose to accept physical entries or virtual. Only virtual submissions will be sent to the Idado PTA level for judging.
Getting Started
Local Leaders Guide (en español)
PDF Student Packet (en español)
Word Student Packet (en español)
Fillable Student Entry Form (en español)
(This is the same form as found in the Student Packets, just independent of the rules. This might be helpful if students are submitting more than one piece.)
Sharable Promotions
Category Guidelines
One-Page Rules Summary Sheet is included in the Student Packet!
If you want each category in more detail:
Dance Choregraphy (en español)
Promotional Videos
2024-2025 Deadlines
***Please verify these with your regional or local leaders.***
Nov. 8th - Suggested deadline for students to submit art to local PTAs (can be adjusted by local leaders, as long as they can meet the regional deadline)
Dec. 15th - Suggested deadline for local PTAs to submit art to the Region (can be adjusted by regional leaders, as long as they can meet the state deadline)
Jan. 31st - Established date for submission from regions to the Idaho PTA (this will not change)
Each year, students are invited to submit themes for the annual Reflections Art Program that will inspire young artists to create original works. We are currently collecting student-generated theme proposals for the 2026-2027 school year. The deadline for submitting Reflections Theme Ideas to Idaho PTA is Friday, November 22nd, 2024.
Please review themes from previous years before submitting a theme for 2025-2026, as past themes will not be considered for future submission.
Review past themes here (Page 1 is English/Página 2 está en Español)
Submit your unique theme idea to Idaho PTA by clicking on this form.
All submissions will be reviewed by our Idaho PTA Reflections Committee, and the top five theme suggestions will be sent to the National Theme Search Committee. The student who submits the winning entry on the national level will receive a $100 prize from National PTA.