State PTA and IRS Requirements
Easily fill out online form OR Download the Local PTA Unit Board List form and mail to Idaho PTA or email to info@idahopta.org. Update registered agent with new board with the Secretary of State at https://sosbiz.idaho.gov/
Easily fill out the online form OR Download the Volunteer Service Report and mail to Idaho PTA or email to info@idahopta.org
First, Report and pay online using CheddarUp (preferred) -OR- Download the Membership Dues Remittance Form and mail form and check for $7.50 per member to the Idaho PTA office.
Second, provide your Membership list to Idaho PTA (5 member minimum) by November 1. Transmittal by EMAIL is preferred OR send a spreadsheet containing first and last name and email addresses for each member to info@idahopta.org.
Make Checks Payable to:
AIM Insurance
PO Box 3427
Houston, TX 77253-3427AIM Phone: 800-876-4044 AIM Fax: 214-360-0802
AIM Email: aim@aim-companies.com
November 15 or May 15, depending on your fiscal year. File by mail or via e-postcard with the IRS. General information on IRS Form 990
Mail or email confirmation to the Idaho PTA office, also keep in local files
IRS Form 990-N Electronic Filing System (e-Postcard) User Guide
*Items above are necessary for a unit to be considered in “good standing”. Units not reporting any dues/membership by November 20th will not be in good standing and will not be allowed to participate in any PTA-sponsored programs, including Reflections, and will not be eligible for any PTA awards or grants.
Any items that need to be emailed to the state office should be sent to: info@idahopta.org
Any items that need to be mailed to the state office should be sent to: Idaho PTA, PO Box 1580 Meridian, ID 83680
Important Due Dates
(Recommended to be done at the first PTA meeting of the year)
Approved Annual Budget
Keep in local unit files
(Recommended to be done at the first PTA meeting of the year)
Adopted Standing Rules
Local Unit Bylaws
Important Information
Your board must personalize the template to your unit and then present it to the general membership for adjustments and approval. Send the approved copy to your Region Director, and keep it in local unit files
Ensure all board members have a printed copy of the Local Unit Uniform Bylaws (these apply to all local units and may not be changed or altered)
Financial Records, Minutes, and other records as indicated in the Finance Quick Reference guide from National PTA must be ongoing and kept in local unit files
Attend training provided at Region training sessions, Idaho PTA training sessions, or Idaho PTA Convention. One elected leader or their designee must attend at least one training session annually.