National PTA Reflections
Encourages and celebrates student participation in arts education opportunities through a nationwide awards program that entices students to reflect on a theme and use art to express their thoughts. The initiative also includes grants for local PTAs focused on enhancing arts education in their school or community.
School of Excellence
Supports and celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to engage more families in student success and school improvements, while creating stronger family-school-community connections.
Family Reading Experience
A literacy event that engages families of grades K-5 students through interactive learning stations focused on core skills of reading: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. Families leave the event with stronger relationships with teachers and a deeper understanding of ways to enhance their own family reading experience at home.
STEM + Families
Increases access to STEM education and careers, especially among under-represented youth, by developing, evaluating and sharing effective ways to engage families in STEM experiences, while working with partners to improve access to STEM school and community learning environments.
PTA Connected
National PTA has been a partner to parents on digital parenting topics for over 5 years, exploring in-depth the issues that are on the minds of today’s families, and connecting parents with tools, research and support to make the best decisions for their children.
Healthy Lifestyles
Offers an array of grants, family education resources, and advocacy tools for PTAs to engage families in the implementation of school wellness plans, while increasing awareness about and access to nutritious options and physical activity at school and at home.
Connect for Respect
Guides PTAs through a step-by-step process for assessing the school culture and convening all members of the school community to inform an action plan to prevent bullying. PTAs then lead a C4R Team of student leaders, parents and school staff to deploy the plan and create safer, more supportive peer relationships among students.